WIFLY作為台灣Wi-Fi市場的商業先行者,在面臨各種不確定性與競爭公司開始紛紛加入市場之際,除了積極發展基礎建設,提供更廣泛的Wi-Fi接入與加值服務外,更需要運用靈活有效的行銷策略來快速提昇使用率與市占率。本論文運用資料探勘(Data Mining)之關聯分析(Association Analysis)技術,希望藉由分析WIFLY客戶在不同通路間的「消費行為」(Consumer Behavior),找出客戶的通路移轉行為,並將其進一步歸納出結構化的行為模式,希望對企業未來發展通路行銷策略與制定相關顧客導向式的行銷決策時能有所助益。 WIFLY as a business pioneer of Taiwan Wi-Fi market has not only face the uncertainty of the market situation but also face more and more competitors who have entered the market. In addition to develop the infrastructure to provide a wider range of Wi-Fi access “Hot Spots” and create value-added services actively, it also needs more flexible and effective marketing strategies to increase utilization and market share rapidly. This paper uses the “Association Analysis”, one of the “Data Mining” techniques, to analyze the WIFLY customers’ "consumer behavior" within exiting WIFLY channels, find the behaviors and patterns of the consumer behavior in channel migration. Hope these can help the enterprises to make the future decisions in developing the sales channel and customer-oriented marketing strategy.