Abstract: | 儒家思想對亞洲地區影響深遠。自漢武帝罷黜百家,獨尊儒術,儒家思想影響中國二千年。孟子與荀子分別繼承孔子的學說,並加以發揚光大,但孟子與荀子在歷史的評價與定位卻是天壤之別。宋‧朱熹將《論語》、《孟子》、《大學》、《中庸》合為《四書》,成為後世士人必讀之書,但身為儒家學者的荀子卻不在朱熹的考量之內。本論文單就概念比較,以「天」、「心」、「性」為主軸,分析孟、荀在「心性」思想上的差異。
全文分作六章。第一章為緒論,說明本論文研究動機、研究途徑、研究範圍與研究限制。第二章為文獻探討,分為古籍版本探討及當代前人研究。古籍部份,簡略說明《論語》、《孟子》、《荀子》、《老子》之歷代版本;前人研究則以台灣‧當代新儒家學者,徐復觀先生及牟宗三先生之孟荀心性觀點為主。第三章為孟子人性論,說明孔孟心性思想之一脈相承的義理分析。第四章為荀子人性論,說明荀子思想歧出孔孟心性。荀子為戰國末年思想家,思想呈現多元,本章荀子心性分析,以道家-老子與告子思想之影響作義理分析說明。第五章為孟荀人性論比較,以當代新儒家學者徐復觀先生及牟宗三先生孟荀心性論述為主軸,綜合比較孟荀心性的差別。第六章為結論,回顧總結全文。 Confucian thought has deeply influenced Asia. Since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty dismissed the hundred schools of thought two thousand years ago and revered only Confucianism, it has influenced China. Mencius and Xunzi both inherited and expanded upon the discourse of Confucius; however, they have vastly different historical considerations and orientations. In the Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi combined The Analects(Lunyu), Mencius, Great Learning(Daxue), and Doctrine of the Mean(Zhongyong) into The Four Books(Sishu), which became required reading for posterity; however, Zhu Xi did not consider Xunzi, who was also a Confucian scholar. This thesis uses only these concepts for comparison, focusing on “heaven,” (天)“heart,” (心) and “human-nature”(性) to analyze the differences between Mencius and Xunzi, in terms of their thought on “heart and human-nature.”
This paper is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction, which explains the research motivation, research path, research scope, and research limitations of this thesis. Chapter 2 is the literature review, divided into explorations of editions of ancient books, as well as contemporary research. In terms of ancient books, the editions of The Analects(Lunyu), Mencius, Xunzi, and Laozi are briefly explained; contemporary research focuses on the “heart and human-nature of Mencius and Xunzi,” from the perspective of contemporary Taiwanese Neo-Confucian scholars, Xu Fuguan(徐復觀) and Mo Zongsan(牟宗三). Chapter 3 is Mencius’s theory of human nature, a principle analysis that explains the close connections between the thoughts of Confucius and Mencius on heart and human-nature. Chapter 4 is Xunzi’s theory of human nature, which explains that Xunzi’s thoughts diverge from the heart and human- nature of Confucius and Mencius. Xunzi was a Confucian scholars at the end of the Warring States period, and his thoughts exhibited diversity. In this chapter, analysis of the heart and human-nature of Xunzi use the influence of the thoughts of Laozi and Gaozi to explain the principle analysis. Chapter 5 is a comparison between theories on human nature by Mencius and Xunzi, which center on the discourse of contemporary Neo-Confucian scholars, Xu Fuguan and Mo Zongsan, on the “heart and human-nature of Mencius and Xunzi,” to compositely compare the differences in the heart and human-nature of Mencius and Xunzi. Chapter 6 is the conclusion, which reviews and summarizes the thesis. |