經實證分析與討論後,所得之結論如下: 一、金融海嘯後留任之理財專員逆境商數對其工作壓力有負向影響。 二、金融海嘯後留任之理財專員工作壓力對其生活滿意度有負向影響。 三、金融海嘯後留任之理財專員逆境商數對其生活滿意度有正向影 響。 四、金融海嘯後留任之理財專員的工作壓力在逆境商數對生活滿意度之影響具有部份中介效果。 The main purpose of this study is trying to find the relationships among adversity quotient, job stress and life satisfaction of the retained financial consultants experiencing the 2008 financial tsunami crisis. After the crisis, financial consultants need to be ready to overcome the challenges such as the fluctuation of investment environment and related rules, the trust reconstruction between investors and consultants and the incentive condition.
This study focuses on retained financial consultants experiencing the 2008 financial tsunami crisis, and tries to explore the relationships among adversity quotient, job stress and life satisfaction. Using job stress as a mediator variable analyses the moderating effect of adversity quotient and life satisfaction.
After the empirical research, the major findings as follows: 1.The adversity quotient for retained financial consultants experiencing the 2008 financial tsunami crisis has a ngative effect on the job stress. 2.The job stress for retained financial consultants experiencing the 2008 financial tsunami crisis has a negative effect on the life satisfaction. 3.The adversity quotient for retained financial consultants experiencing the 2008 financial tsunami crisis has significant effect on the life satisfaction. 4.The job stress for retained financial consultants experiencing the 2008 financial tsunami crisis has some moderate effect on adversity quotient affects the life satisfaction.