摘要: | 近年來,由於勞動市場彈性化的趨勢之下,促使人力派遣產業的興起。企業透過人力派遣達到降低成本及增加僱用彈性;勞工透過人力派遣可以累積工作經驗與技能,並滿足自身的需求。 因國內勞動派遣市場進入成熟階段,多數的派遣員工都具備豐富的派遣經驗,所以委派企業應如何提供派遣者適當的職業訓練,更強化他們從事派遣工作的能力,以完成企業委任的工作。因此,本研究的目的為探討派遣員工屬性與委派企業所提供的教育訓練間的關係。 本研究透過三家委派企業的協助,代發問卷給他們的派遣員工進行調查,共發350份問卷,回收231份有效問卷,而統計工具以敘述性統計為主。更搭配三家委派企業高階主管的深度訪談,直接引發受訪者的經驗、意見與知識。 研究結果發現,勞工退休金新制的實施,提高派遣職缺的接受度;主要的勞動派遣市場以高學歷的青壯年勞動者為主;員工滿意教育訓練制度,可有效提昇工作態度及表現;委派企業與派遣機構攜手打造訓練課程,提高派遣人員專業能力。 While the domestic labor market becomes more flexible, the dispatched employment industry rises. Enterprises would reduce their cost and increase the employment flexibility through hire dispatched employees. Contrarily, worker would accumulate job experiences, techniques, and satisfy their need through this approach. Because domestic dispatched employment market has matured, most of the dispatched employees possess thriving experiences. How do the dispatch companies provide adequate vocational training to the dispatched employees, which could enhance the ability handle their work, is an important issue. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to discuss the relationship of dispatched employees'' characteristics and the implementation of the training in the designate enterprise. Through three designate enterprises’ help by delivering questionnaires to their dispatched employees, this research issued 350 questionnaires and retrieved 231 shares. And the statistic tool is narrative statistics. This study also collocate the depth interviews of the high level managers in the three designate enterprises, which would directly initiate the interviewee’s experiences, opinions and knowledge. The study finds several results. First of all, the implementation of the new rule of the labor pension act has increased the acceptance of dispatched vacancies. Second, main dispatched labor market participant is the workers with high school record. Third, if the dispatched workers satisfy with the training system, their working attitude and performance would effectively increased. Finally, if the designate enterprise and dispatch company design the training classes together, the dispatched employees’ professional ability would also be increased. |