在知識經濟的時代以及全球化的發展下,如何維持企業的競爭優勢成為一個重要的議題。而本研究目的在於利用資料探勘的方式探討創業者以及社會大眾的內蘊特質,對其創業或是生活滿意度與創新行為之差異,本研究擬以資料探勘的方式使用SPSS Clementine 11.1,應用其關聯法則、Apriori演算法以及SPSS軟體,以問卷方式瞭解創業者與社會大眾在創新行為之組成,如才能與人格特質、成長環境之關聯性。研究結果:(1)個體之成長環境與其現在創新行為有關聯;(2)(3)不論是社會大眾或是創業者,幸福感對其創業以及生活滿意度具有影響力;(4)邏輯與判斷能力是測量創新行為的重要因素等。 It has been an issue on the desk for all kinds of industries to maintain their competition strength in an global-competitive age of knowledge economics. The study is intended to Data Mining Research Methods for using in a way through the Data Mining SPSS Clementine 11, application of the association rules, Apriori algorithm and analysis of the use of software. Research target for exploring ways through questionnaires and data mining the traits of entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs, what involve Competencies , Growth environment and Personality Traits. The results showed that the correlation between (1)individual growth environment and innovation behavior;(2) happiness and quality of live;(3) happiness and quality of enterprise ;(4)Logic & Judge is most important factor of innovation behavior.