現今電子商務的運用非常廣泛,隨著電腦和網路的盛行,使現代的行銷方式更加多元化,也加速了電子商務(E-Commerce)的發展。而現今的通路彼此間相當競爭,因此業者除了架設網站外,也須思考網頁設計如何符合消費者的偏好,所提供的功能、連結和服務都須和市場作結合,使保險業者將成立網站的成本降至最低,為保戶創造網路投保的附加價值。 本研究結果發現: (1) 製造業族群最願意購買醫療型、儲蓄型和較複雜的保險商品;而家管對於上網投保的排斥程度最大,可歸因於職業的特性,平時較少接觸外界資訊和本身的觀念問題所制。 (2) 51歲以上的族群最關心網路投保商品的受限,可歸因51歲以上為老年族群,對於網路所販售的簡易型商品,已不符合這類族群的需求。 (3) 學生對於解決問題的功能和設置社群較為重視,可歸因於學生對於保險實務上的購買方式較為陌生,且對金融保險資訊的攝取較缺乏,因此較傾向設置保戶交換意見的平台和在問題討論區中發問。 E- commerce has been extensively utilized nowadays. With the prevalence of PC and internet, has diversified the modern marketing methodology as well as accelerated development of E commerce. Therefore its market players are not only setting up websites but start deliberating how to meet customer preferences as well as link up their function provided, linkage and service with the market. This has results lowering insurance company’s cost to build up their site and create additional value to policy holders of internet insurance.
The conclusion of this study found that:
(1) Manufacturing group most willing to buy the type of medical, savings and more complex product. On the other hand, housewife to internet insurance has the greatest exclusion, that can attributed to job characteristics, usually less exposed to information from outside world and their own perception.
(2) Group of age over 51 most concerned about the limitation of product type, can be attributed to the product simplicity no longer fulfill their targeted requirement.
(3) Lastly, students are more focusing on problem-solving capabilities, and emphasis on community website, it can be attributed to the shortage of practical way to purchase insurance as well as relative financial information. Therefore prefer to have Q&A in designated discussion forum.