台灣高速鐵路全長345公里,縱貫整個台灣西部走廊,影響範圍涵蓋大半個台灣。除了扮演著台灣西部走廊的交通命脈以外,政府又賦予高鐵另一個偉大使命-扮演國土規劃的角色。在密集場站開發的規劃下,未來高鐵各站都將帶動地方發展,使得這些地區成為一個個新興的市鎮。 從五大車站產業專區的區位條件觀之,五站各有其特性與發展利基。台南站雖地處偏遠,但因擁有豐富的自然生態資源與古蹟文化設施,且鄰近有台南科技園區,則有助於發展為生態環保城市。然而令人質疑的是,這些區位條件再搭配高速鐵路,就可使站區從未開發的農地轉變為吸引大量人口、大批民間投資業者進駐的新開發地區嗎? 從法國高鐵車站站區開發到日本新横濱站的開發,成功的高速鐵路站區開發案應具備前述三項特質,唯有妥善利用土地,執行永續經營發展計盡,以及明確的整體發展定位,才能提昇該區域的競爭力,此應為任何高速鐵路站區開發案的主要目標之一。 本研究將以其他國家高速鐵路站區發展的經驗,及高鐵台南站之特性、市場環境之優劣勢,作為分析之依據,以提出策略來提昇該區域的競爭力以及所需強化之方向提出建議。 Taiwan high speed rail total is 345 km. It is through the whole west side in Taiwan and the incidence covers half of Taiwan. Either the THSR is the important traffic way at Taiwan west side, or the government expects the THSR could be the important role of land-use planning. In the plan about the station development, every station of THSR will promote local development in the future and make it become to a new town. Those five stations all have their own characteristic and strength on their location. Although the Tainan station is in a remote site, but it rich in natural resources and cultural facilities, and also near by Tainan Science Park. It is helpful to be a ecological city. However, could those characteristic and THSR make the agricultural land become to a new place which interest for people and enterprise? Base on development about French high-speed rail station and Japan''s Shin-Yokohama station. The success of high-speed railway station area development projects should have three qualities: to use the lane effectiveness, to manage forever and the clear position. It can make it to get more competitiveness and should be the major target for any high-speed railway station area development projects. This thesis will analysis the experience from other country high speed rail development and the characteristic and strength for THSR Tainan station. And then I’ll have a suggestion for how to get more competitiveness and how to improve that.