隨著網際網路發展趨於成熟,及科技產品不斷的推陳出新,人與人之間的互動模式也出現了新的形態。對於從小就生長在網路及科技產品充斥的數位原生世代而言,網路依賴度比數位移民世代高出許多,互動模式也有別於以往。首先本研究發現,即使數位原生世代常透過虛擬社群與人進行交流,但在網路上透過文字的溝通讓互動過程缺乏感情的渲染力,也容易因為文字解讀不同造成誤會。在人際互動中,表情或肢體動作等非語言線索有時候是一種比語言線索更有效的溝通工具,因此他們不會因為使用網路社群而減少或放棄現實的人際互動,他們只是透過一個對上個世代而言相對較新潮的互動工具來維持人際關係或拓展人脈。本研究進一步發現,網路社群可以扁平化世代差距,但世代間距離拉近僅只於非家人關係的長輩。對於數位原生世代而言,當今社會上多數人使用及討論的互動媒介,個人的採用與不採用,除了與朋友連絡的意義之外,還有更深一層的社會意義。最後再透過對數位原生世代訪談,根據其對於未來社群的想像,描繪出「回到過去」、「符號世界」、「人情社會」、「摩登未來」四個虛擬社群可能的未來情節圖像,作為後續相關研究之參考。 With the rapid development of the Internet-based communications, the various modes of interpersonal interaction are also emerging. For the generation of digital natives who are growing along with the virtual world and a variety of technology products, their network dependency ratio is much higher than the digital immigrant generation. Their interactive modes are different from one another. The core finding of this research is that even if the digital natives often interact with people through virtual communities, the text used on the Internet often leads to an emotionless interactive process. Additionally, it is relatively easy to cause misunderstanding due to different interpretations of the text. During interpersonal interactions, body languages still served as a much more effective communication tool than those of text expressions. As a result, the digital natives will not abandon the reality of human interaction while searching for alternative social networks on the internet. Furthermore, the result has also shown that generation gap can be shortened by the Internet community, but the phenomenon merely exists between non-family elders. The deeper meaning of using virtual communications is simply to be recognized as followers of trendy hi-tech fashions. Finally, the study conducts in-depth interviews with a number of the digital natives to construct scenarios of the future community. The four possible scenarios are depicted as "back to the past," "symbolic world," "human society," and "modern future."