Abstract: | 本研究目的乃探究新北市永和區國民中學輔導教師工作現況與壓力情形,並瞭解其影響工作壓力調節因素,本研究採質性研究半結構性訪談蒐集資料,透過立意取樣,以新北市永和區六位輔導年資超過三年現任或曾任國中輔導教師為訪談對象。研究結果如下: 永和區三所市立國中輔導教師的工作內容大致相同,分為:十四堂綜合領域輔導活動科教學工作、帶小團體、備課、個案約談、寫個案記錄、追中輟生、導師家長諮詢、家庭訪問、個案轉介、社區資源運用、協助行政、帶輔導實習生、個案研討等。唯獨其中在協助行政這部份工作內容有差異;與因應減課後,受限法規造成輔導教師編制不夠,這三所公立國中所採行的因應方式也各異。 永和區國民中學輔導教師工作壓力總類繁多,而超過半數以上的研究參與者談及最主要是別人的角色期待、專業能力不足且要求不清、三級輔導制未落實,造成輔導教師一、二、三級全包、自我的角色期待、角色歧視、工作負荷過重與跟導師溝通。及新增工作內容—小團體輔導及每個月繳交的個案輔導記錄與月報表,是減課後新的工作壓力來源。 而永和區國民中學輔導教師工作壓力調節主要受工作動機、因應策略、工作經驗與社會支持系統因素影響,超過半數以上的研究參與者談及最主要是透過休息與運動,切割工作與生活,其次是工作本身獲得的成就感與自我成長、主動負起界定輔導角色工作任務與工作系統的支持,為最多人調節工作壓力的方式。 最後,依據研究結果提供多項建議,供教育主管機關、學校行政、輔導教師及未來研究參考。
關鍵詞:國民中學輔導教師、工作壓力、工作困境、工作壓力調節 The present study was to investigate the working situation and stress of junior high school counselors in the Yungho District in New Taipei City. It also aimed to understand the factors which affected to moderate job stress. This qualitative research collected data through semi-structured interviews. By means of purposive sampling, the researcher interviewed six junior high school teachers in the Yungho District in New Taipei City who were or had been counselors more than three years. The results of the research were as follows. The work of the junior high school counselors in the Yungho District was similar and could be divided into: teaching 14 classes of guidance activities of integrated learning area, leading small groups, preparing lessons, individual interviews, writing case records, caring dropouts, counseling advisors and parents, family interviews, case referral, applying community resources, assisting administrative work, guiding interns, case conferences and so on. The only difference was the content of clerical work. After the reduction of courses, these three junior high schools adopted different corresponding strategies against the limited caseload of counseling teachers resulting from the regulations. Junior high school counselors in the Yungho District had various job stresses, and more than half of the participants mainly mentioned of role expectations from others, lack of professional competence and clear instruction, and 3-level counseling systems was not carried out. These factors made counselors have to take charge of all three grades, and caused problems about self-expectations, discrimination of roles, overload, and communications with advisors. After the reduction of courses, counselors had to guide small groups and handed in case records and monthly reports, which brought them new sources of job stress. The moderation of job stress in junior high school counselors in the Yungho District was mainly influenced by working motivations, coping strategies, working experiences and social support systems. More than half of the participants indicated that the basic way to moderate working pressure was to separate work and personal life by exercising and taking enough rest. Besides, to obtain achievement and self-growth from the job, to voluntarily define the role of counselor, and to gain support from the system, were also useful ways to reduce stress taken by most people. Finally, several suggestions for the references of education authorities, school administration, counselors, and future studies according to the research results. |