我國於2009年將文化創意產業列為六大新興產業之一,因此,本研究之目的主要在於: 一、瞭解文化創意產業意涵及文創課程在我國大學的實施現況 二、探討影響文化創意產業課程在我國大學發展的因素 三、探討我國大學文化創意產業課程未來的發展趨勢 四、檢視文化創意產業的整體課程對我國大學及社會的影響 本研究的研究方法為文件分析法及個案訪談法,先藉由文件分析暸解目前文化創意產業相關課程在我國大學的實施概況,再採用自行設計之訪談大綱為研究工具,實地訪談文化創意產業相關政策主管機關人員、學者專家、以及我國大學已開設文化創意產業相關課程的主管。 本研究的主要結論可歸納如下: 一、各國對文化創意產業的定義未有統一定論,致文化創意產業的發展配合各國國情,因地制宜而有所不同 二、受訪者大多數均支持我國大學文化創意產業課程之開設,並認為以跨領域學分學程之方式開設及將實習納入課程較為理想 三、影響我國大學文化創意產業課程發展的因素眾多 四、我國開設文化創意產業課程的大學有漸增之趨勢,各校除了對內塑造學校自身的品牌特色外,也會對外整合各界文創資源 五、文化創意產業整體課程對我國大學及社會均有正面之作用 This study mainly aims to explore the development and current provisions of the cultural and creative industries curriculums in Taiwan’s universities, via adopting the methods of document analysis and field interview, for which a self-designed semi-structured interview schedule was used as the tool. The main conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. There is no world-wide unified definition for the concept of the cultural and creative industries curriculum. 2. Majority of the interviewees of this study support the creation and provision of cultural and creative industries curriculums in universities, and it is expected that the design of cultural and creative industries programs had better to be on the interdisciplinary basis, and including the field practice. 3. Factors affecting the development and performance of cultural and creative industries curriculum have been various, including the adequacy of resources, the quality of teaching faculty, the employability of students, as well as the focus of the government’s policies related. 4.The number of universities offering cultural and creative industries programs has been growing in recent years, and each university has tried to, via cooperating with its community, establish its own unique characteristics while designing the related programs. 5. Cultural and creative industries curriculums or programs has positive contributions to the universities, as well as the society in Taiwan.