摘要: | 本研究旨在探討新北市希望幼稚園,參與學前特教融合教育實驗方案之歷程,以及執行學前融合教育過程中的教育目標、課程與教學、反思、困境與逢源,進而建構出學前融合教育可行的執行歷程。研究對象為希望幼稚園之教師、普通幼兒、特殊需求幼兒及其家長。 為求對研究主題有深入之瞭解,本研究採質性研究法:以敘說探究為研究方法;文件分析、訪談、參與觀察為研究技巧。與教師及家長進行訪談15次、參與觀察8次,並對相關文件、訪談紀錄、觀察紀錄、自我省思之資料進行分析。 這是屬於希望幼稚園一路走來八年的故事。希望透由故事,在脈絡中找尋與融合為生命共同體的教師們,他們的心、他們的故事與他們智慧的展現,並找尋一條導引特殊需求幼兒及其家庭向前行的明路。 探究中:每一處,看見了教師們所處遇的困境及其逢源;每一處,開展了教師們更深層的省思與專業知能;每一處,真實發現了希望幼稚園親、師、生間愈融愈合的喜悅、美與愛。亦據以得到以下結論: 一、 融合教育總體目標與課程主軸確立為體驗、接納、合作。 二、 融合教育課程與教學目的為特色取向下之良好社會性互動。 三、 融合教育課程前之相見歡與暖身活動舉足輕重。 四、 特殊需求幼兒與普通幼兒間之相互扶持成長、互惠與互愛。 五、 促進教師融合教育專業知能與專業素養之提升。 六、 普通幼兒家長與孩子共同接納;特殊需求幼兒家長走出陰霾正向參與。 七、 走出園所特色,整體融合氣氛升溫,唯仍存有階段性困境。 根據以上結論,本研究提出具體可行之執行歷程及建議,供希望幼稚園本身、有意願參與學前融合教育之園所,以及教育行政單位,作為執行、推廣學前融合教育之參考。期望對於學前融合教育之執行與推廣多所饒益。 This study aimed to discuss the progress of Hope Kindergarten, New Taipei City, participating in inclusive preschool education experimental program, and the educational objective, courses and teaching, self-examination, difficult positions, and solutions of inclusive preschool education were executed, so as to construct a feasible process for inclusive preschool education. The study subjects were the teachers, ordinary children, children with special need and their parents of Hope Kindergarten. To understand the study subjects thoroughly, this study made use of qualitative research, namely narrative inquiry was the study method, and document analysis, interview, and participation observation were the study skills. 15 interviews were carried out with the teachers and parents, eight participation observations were done, and data such as relevant documents, interview records, observation records, and self-examination were analyzed. This is an eight-year story of Hope Kindergarten. Hopefully, the hearts, stories, and wisdom of teachers could be found in the sequence of ideas and included into “life community”, and a clear way that guided the children with special needs and their families could also be found. During the investigation, the difficult positions and solutions that the teachers encountered could be seen everywhere, deeper self-examination and professional knowledge of the teachers were developed everywhere, and the joy, beauty, and love that happened between the parents, teachers, and students of Hope Kindergarten were discovered. The following conclusions are obtained accordingly:
1. The major inclusive educational objective and main course idea are established – experiencing, accepting, and cooperating. 2. Inclusive educational programs and teaching objectives were the good social interaction. 3. “Saying hello” and warm-up activities before inclusive educational programs played a decisive role. 4. Children with special needs and ordinary children give support to each others, grow up together, learn from each other, and love each other. 5. Teachers’ professional knowledge and professional accomplishments towards inclusive education were promoted. 6. Ordinary children and their parents accepted the children with special needs together, while the parents of the children with special needs got rid of the sadness and participated positively. 7. The characteristics of the kindergarten are very clear, the overall inclusive atmosphere is getting better, but difficult positions still exist.
This study proposed concrete and feasible progress and suggestions according to the above-mentioned conclusions, providing reference regarding execution and promotion of inclusive preschool education for Hope Kindergarten, kindergartens that would like to participate in inclusive preschool education, and educational executive departments. Hopefully, this study could provide some benefits for the execution and promotion of inclusive preschool education. |