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    显示项目251-275 / 595. (共24页)
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    2003-12-17 台灣總統大選中的民主政治與競選策略 陳一新
    2003-12 一九五八年台灣海峽軍事衝突 : 美國與中共在華沙會談的交鋒 戴萬欽; Tai, Wan-chin
    2003-12 蘇聯在一九五八年台灣海峽軍事衝突之角色 戴萬欽
    2003-11 全球化下北京對華府與台北的政策 陳一新
    2003-10-04 The communication between Taiwan and the USA during the 1958 quemoy crisis: Dulles’s visit on chiang Kai-shek 戴萬欽; Tai, Wan-chin
    2003-10-04 U.S. roles in cross-strait relations : Past, present, and future 陳一新; Chen, I-hsin
    2003-09-29 US role in future Taipei-Beijing relations 陳一新; Chen, I-hsin
    2003-09-18 The impact of democratic politics on ROC's campaign strategies of the presidential elections 陳一新; Chen, I-hsin
    2003-08-26 The implications of North Korea, Iraq and cross-strait crisis for the US presidential election in 2004 陳一新; Chen, I-hsin
    2003-07-05 美伊戰爭前後國際政經體系變遷與美中台三邊關係 陳一新
    2003-07 Nixon's visit to the China mainland in 1972 : A review of brezhnev's response after three decades 戴萬欽; Tai, Wan-chin
    2003-06 Beijing, James Silk Buckingham, and Korea Joe, Eaton
    2003-05 鋼索上的舞蹈者--布希兩面手法之兩面政策 李本京; Lee, Thomas B.
    2003-04 美、中(共)、我國三邊關係一年來的發展與前景 陳一新
    2003-03-25 中國儒家文化與霸權文化 : 交流抑或衝激 李本京; Lee, Thomas B.
    2003-02 2002年美中台三邊關係總檢討與未來展望 陳一新
    2003 台美中三邊關係發展與互動 陳一新
    2002-12-18 US policy toward both sides of Taiwan strait in the aftermath of the 16th CCP congress 陳一新; Chen, I-hsin
    2002-12 全球化下北京對華府與台北的政策 陳一新
    2002-11-23 President Bush's Asian-pacific strategic deployment 陳一新; Chen, I-hsin
    2002-11 「911」以後中美關係的趨勢與展望 陳一新
    2002-10 東西方文化之異同與美國強勢文化之衝擊 李本京; Lee, Thomas B.
    2002-09 British Travelers in the Old Southwest during the 1830s Joe, Eaton
    2002-06-18 A tale of two Americas : Social values and freedom of religious expression in the post-9/11 era 崔馬吉; Trimarchi, Anthony George
    2002-06-18 New trends of U.S. Asian security policies and their implications for U.S. - China - Taiwan relations 陳一新; Chen, I-hsin

    显示项目251-275 / 595. (共24页)
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