本研究將進行無線射頻辨識系統(Radio frequency identification, RFID)與企業資源規劃系統(Enterprise resource planning, ERP)之導入整合工作。RFID技術應用與資訊系統的整合在近來產業界延伸出各種可能,本研究即針對以往ERP 系統無法掌握製造或物流管控現場正確相關資訊,使得管理者無法即時對於生產與物流變化做出有效的控管提出解決方案。研究中將以目前國內已實施之廢電子電器物品回收體系之「電視機」為探討目標。除了運用RFID無線射頻管制系統結合現有廢電子電器物品處理機構,並導入EPR系統,使RFID能與企業e化流程做更徹底的結合。 The integration of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and other information systems has become a possible trying out in many different industries recently. This project aims at solving the problem of lack of real-time response in traditional ERP material tracking system and manufacturing control system. In this project, RFID technology is facilitated and integrated with an ERP system. We use recycling and auditing processes of TV set disposal factory in Taiwan as an example. The goal is by combining RFID and ERP system to make the TV set recycling e-administration system more efficient and reliable.
中華民國運輸學會97年年會暨國際學術論文研討會論文集=Proceedings of International Conference And Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation,19頁