孟子是先秦儒學理論建構的主要人物,尤其<盡心篇>有關心、性、天的說明, 更對日後的宋明理學有著極大的影響。另一方面,朱子可說是宋明理學家中最重要的 人物,這不但是因為朱子對以往的儒家經典,有大量的註釋與整理,而且也因為朱子 對四書的集註,以及對儒家理論之開展,皆有決定性的影響。我們固然不必也不應以 朱子做為判斷宋明理學發展之標準,但是卻無法避免對朱子態度的回應。依牟宗三先 生之研究,朱子的思想與先秦孔孟傳統及宋明理學家之大宗,有著本質上之差別,果 如此,則朱子在註釋孔孟文獻時,應該是有相應之表現。本研究即試圖通過朱子對《孟 子.盡心》之詮釋,重新瞭解朱子對孟子之心、性、天之理解,並由此定位朱子之學 問性格及其與孟子思想之異同。 例如:朱子在解<盡心上>有關盡心、知性、知天時,乃是以知性較盡心為優先, 一如《大學》的格物致知,所謂「知性者,物格也;盡心者,知至也」。「物」字對「性」 字,「知」字對「心」字。知性,然後能盡心。這樣的說法,其實是以《大學》解《孟 子》,而有遠離《孟子》原意之嫌。本研究除對此加以討論外,並將兼及陽明及船山的 看法,輔以當代學者之研究,以期為此問題提出較合理之說明。 Mencius (孟子) was the kingpin who constructed Confucianism theories in the Pre-chin dynasty. The most important was his 『Jin-xin』 influenced the ulterior Song-ming scholars a lot. On the other side, Zhu-xi (朱熹) could be recognized as the famous one who interpreted Confucianism volumes as well as developed Confucianism theories. Actually, we don』t have to take him as a criterion but at the meantime, we cannot avoid responding him. According to Mr. Mo, Zong-san, Zhu-xi was much different from Confucianism tradition since the Pre-chin as well as the lineal of Song-ming scholars. If Mr. Mo』s correct, Zhu-xi should had conformable expressions. In this paper, I 』 ll understand afresh about Mencius 』 understandings about Xin (心), Xing (性) and Tian (天) through Zhu-xi』s interpretations. Furthermore, I』ll position Zhu』xi』s academic character by doing so and compare the congenialities and differences with Mencius by Wang, Yang-ming ( 王陽明), Wang, Chuan-shan and contemporary scholars』 researches.