本研究利用二階段資料包絡分析法,探討行政院環保署所公告回收廢容器類回收管理基金的相對運用效率,第一階段即透過傳統的資料包絡分析法取得廢容器類回收管理基金的運用效率,第二階段則應用Tobit迴歸分析瞭解影響廢容器類回收管理基金運用效率的主要因素。研究結果發現唯有廢PVC塑膠容器、廢玻璃容器、及廢農藥容器等三類的廢容器類回收管理基金運用,具有較高的相對效率,表示廢容器類回收管理基金的運用,仍有相當多的改善空間,而其中以降低回收清除處理費率與繼續執行消費者回饋金補貼兩項政策,爲改善增進廢容器類回收管理基金運用效率的最佳政策。 This study is to explore the waste container recycling management fund (RMF) efficiency in Taiwan. In this paper, the technique involves two-stage approach. In the first stage, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is applied to obtain the initial measures of RMF efficiency. As to the second stage, Tobit regression model is employed to investigate possible determinants on the RMF performance. Our empirical study results reveal that only the PVC, glass bottle and sanitation & pesticide waste container RMFs are relatively efficient units. There is still large room to improve for the rest of the RMF. Furthermore, Taiwan EPA’s lowering the recycling treatment fee rate and continuing the reward policy to consumers are two excellent ways to improve the RMF efficiency.
農業與資源經濟=Agricultural and Resources Economics 5(1),頁77-96