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    显示项目1-50 / 2512. (共51页)
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    2024-03 The influence of corporate social responsibility practices on the creative behaviors and turnover intentions of employees in professional team sports organizations: Examining the mediating role of subjective well-being. Wang, Fong-Jia
    2024-01-23 The effects of mindfulness pedagogy on students' state of mindfulness and motivation in university physical education Chuang, Hsin-Yun; Wang*, Fongjia
    2024-01-19 Harmony of Body and Mind in Taekwondo: Exploring the Impact of Mindfulness Experiential Pedagogy on Physical Literacy Wang, Fong-Jia; Chuang, Hsin-yun;
    2024-01 台灣公部門與私部門資訊安全策略背後重要驅動力 游佳萍; 趙慕芬;
    2024-01 Fostering academic citizenship through ubiquitous technologies in an online academic conference: A framework and its implications Scott Grant; Grace Yue Qi;
    2023-12-09 以機器學習方法進行網路賣家評價之有效預 張昭憲; 林子翔
    2023-12 資訊科學教學網站知識類型與 STEM 關聯之內容分析 游佳萍
    2023-11-10 「中文版身體活動正念狀態量表」之信效度檢驗 王豐家
    2023-11-05 The relationship between physical literacy and quality of life among university students: The role of motivation as a mediator Fong-Jia Wang; Yu-Cheng Lu;
    2023-11-02 以深度學習為基礎發展有效之網路社群發文回應預測方法 張昭憲; 廖語琪
    2023-11-02 Predicting the Future States of Online Community Members for Effective Management 張昭憲; 李佳蓉;
    2023-08-14 Perceived CSR and employee value co-creation behavior: The employee identification as a mediator and co-production as a moderator of PTS organizations. Wang, Fong-jia; Tseng, Kuo-feng;
    2023-08-14 The impact of perceived CSR and employee creative self-efficacy behavior: Mediator role of subjective well-being Chung, I-wei; Wang, Fong-jia;
    2023-08-10 Exploring Overall Service Quality and Customer Contribution in Online-to-Offline Commerce Wu, Ya-Ling; Shih, S.-P.;
    2023-08-10 Exploring Overall Service Quality and Customer Contribution in Online-to-Offline Commerce Wu, Ya-Ling; Shih, S.-P.;
    2023-08 探討科技認同對於員工角色內、外行為的影響:整合組織認同與角色認同的干擾效果 張簡郁庭; Chang, Chien Yu-Ting
    2023-07-27 The impact of immersive virtual reality on art education: A study of flow state, cognitive load, brain state, and motivation Yang, Xiaozhe; Cheng, Pei-Yu;
    2023-07-01 台灣公部門與私部門建置資訊安全策略進行變革之重要驅動力 游佳萍; 趙慕芬;
    2023-06-17 以神經協同過濾模型為基礎的表演藝術節目推薦系統 林靜蓉; 魏世杰
    2023-04-29 利用深度學習偵測日文句型之初探 魏世杰; 寗子渝
    2023-03-23 Design and Implementation of a VoIP PBX Integrated Vietnamese Virtual Assistant: A Case Study HH Son; TA Khoa;
    2023-02-09 The Impact of Mobile-Assisted Social Language Learning Activities on Speaking Skills and Self-Efficacy Development Rustam, Shadiev; Jiawen, Liu;
    2022-10-13 Using artificial intelligence to study the impact of jobseekers' Facebook profile pictures on recruiters’ interview decision Ko, Shu-Fen; Li, Eldon Y.;
    2022-09-24 真相は「藪の中」 ——テキスト含意認識モデルを用いた証言 関連分析—— 蔡佩青; 魏世杰;
    2022-09-23 台灣公部門與私部門資訊安全策略背後重要驅動力 游佳萍; 趙慕芬;
    2022-08-27 利用同音字混淆集訓練語言模型之別字訂正 魏世杰; 廖俊凱
    2022-08-27 應用『資訊系統接受後持續使用模式』探討知覺風險對行動支付使用者持續使用意願之研究 徐煥智; 張菀琳
    2022-08-27 以機器學習預測電子競技玩家排名—以絕地求生為例 周清江; 劉蘊鋒
    2022-08-27 以案例為基礎的 TOPSIS 有序分類研究 周清江; 時序時;
    2022-08-27 利用差異化深度學習於股票漲跌預測 張應華; 洪士淵
    2022-07 運用 ARCS 動機理論融入外語教學之學習成效研究:以初級日語讀本課程為例 蔡佩青; 魏世杰
    2022-05-27 應用變形器模型於文言文改寫白話文之研究 魏世杰; 蔣珈文
    2022-04-30 日本語文型分析システムの開発と実践利用ー初級作文授業を事例としてー 蔡佩青; 魏世杰
    2022-04 IT Project Management Resource: Identifying Your Project's Common Goals Chia-ping Yu; Yu-Chung Hsiao
    2022-01-09 從供給與需求限制策略比較稀少性訊息效果:從神經心理學分析 吳雅鈴
    2022 基礎數學 廖賀田
    2021-11-30 Using Deep Learning Approach in Flight Exceedance Event Analysis Shyur, Huan-Jyh; Cheng, Chi-Bin;
    2021-10-29 A Study on Stock-Recommendation Based on Supply-Chain Dependence Information Analysis Wang, Wei-Hsiang; Horng, Mong-Fong;
    2021-10-17 虛擬實境在地震防災教學的應用與探討 吳宜瑾; 施盛寶
    2021-10 以模型融合為基礎之線上拍賣詐騙偵測 張昭憲; 陳世軒
    2021-09 臺灣大專院校資訊相關系所課程內容與資訊人才職能需求情形之評估 謝佩璇; 游佳萍;
    2021-09 Formulating the dynamics of an online community and identifying the influential members using the animal flocking model Chang, Jau-Shien; Wang, Guo-Hao
    2021-08-28 電信業運用物聯網技術於發展智慧城市之民眾滿意度的研究:以桃園市為例 蕭瑞祥; 劉哲宇;
    2021-08-28 科技業零件產線營運內外在影響數據建模之研究- 以 A 電子公司為例 蕭瑞祥; 李連軒;
    2021-08-28 Youtube 影片之業配行為對商品行銷影響之研究 鄭哲斌; 蕭瑞祥;
    2021-08-28 大數據分析與 LSTM 模型於股市投資策略之研究-以台灣各類股為例 蔣明哲; 李鴻璋
    2021-08-28 創新隱私數位金融架構與區塊鏈創新共識之研究 董叡恩; 李鴻璋
    2021-08-28 整合柔性計算技術與隱藏式馬可夫 鏈建構企業危機動態診斷模型 張應華; 陳洋新;
    2021-08-28 基於預訓練句子編碼器之招生用文字問答機器人 魏世杰; 黃昭蓉
    2021-08-12 BECMER: A Fusion Model Using BERT and CNN for Music Emotion Recognition Bo-Hsun Sung, Shih-Chieh Wei

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