國內師資培育機構評鑑工作進行數年,然而,師資培育面臨的問題卻有增無減,師資培育機構之品質亦受到許多人的質疑,甚至師資培育多元化的政策亦面臨空前的挑戰,究竟師資培育評鑑作為有無需要改進之處?師資培育評鑑與政策目標有無緊密契合?師資培育評鑑與教師素質以及學生學習成效之關連又是何?尤其師資培育評鑑除了針對師資培育機構的運作外,是否亦應一併檢討師資培育產出學生的表現或影響?這些課題都有必要進一步面對。本文除了探討國內師資培育評鑑實務與相關研究外,也將嘗試運用美國教育評鑑標準聯合委員會(The Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation, 簡稱JCSEE)所訂定的學程評鑑標準—實用性(utility)、可行性(feasibility)、合宜性(propriety)、正確性(accuracy)來檢視我國師資培育評鑑的作為。同時,配合美加師資培育發展的近況,列舉幾項尚待探究的議題,並建議國內師資培育儘早建立標準本位的政策,進行師資培育機構、師資培育學程、師資培育課程,以及教育專業人員(包含教師)和品質教學的標準,期盼能為我國的師資培育評鑑提供改善的思考。 The task of teacher education evaluation has been conducted by the Ministry of Education for several years since the deregulation of Teacher Education Act in Taiwan. However, the problems of teacher education are increasing and the quality of teacher education institutions is questioned by the public. And moreover, the effectiveness of the policy for teacher education reform is also challenged. There are many questions need to be answered, such as: is there any need for improvement of teacher education evaluation? Is there alignment between means and ends of teacher education? Is there relationship between students’ achievement and teacher quality? What else need to be evaluated in addition to teacher education institution? What is the impact of the deregulation of teacher education? The purpose of this article is to investigate the current practice and research of teacher education evaluation. Besides, the researcher uses JCSEE standards of program evaluation to review the current practice of evaluation on teacher education institutions. The researcher also raises some issues and questions for the future teacher education evaluation.