摘要: | 市場上為了即時追蹤商品銷售資訊最普遍的方法是使用銷售點管理系統 (Point of Sale,POS)。本研究為了改進傳統的POS系統,將結合RFID科技於商品銷售分析系統中,建構一需求鏈管理概念架構並與以測試與驗證 RFID的應用不應僅只限於供應鏈的物流追蹤功能,在需求鏈中,RFID科技同樣具備重要的潛在價值。本研究結合RFID科技與需求鏈管理概念,提出RFID讀取狀態碼顯示機制,利用RFID對每一商品的讀取、寫入特性,產生一套RFID讀取狀態碼以了解商品銷售於需求鏈中之即時或累加狀態。本研究在驗證系統構想方面將利用系統模擬方式模擬整個商品需求鏈流程及動向,過程中將取得的RFID讀取狀態之模擬數據來做分析與概念驗證。本研究的目的在於提升RFID於供應鏈中使用的附加價值與效益,以達到商品銷售資訊即時化,實現商品於需求鏈中快速取得各種銷售狀態資訊之目的。 藉著系統模擬實驗驗證及數據分析,研究分別以RFID讀取器狀態碼即時數據及RFID讀取器狀態碼累加數據二種型態呈現研究成果,RFID讀取器狀態碼即時數據能呈現即時商品銷售情形、商品現有量、倉庫庫存量等。RFID讀取器狀態碼累加數據,除了提供和POS系統相同的商品最終銷售數據,也可以需求鏈各環節銷售數據,例如熱門銷售商品或顧客之商品偏好等。綜合兩者之銷售資訊將可以提供需求鏈的有效管理方法。 In a traditional supply chain, the lack of sales information always incurs the unpredictable loss. This drawback always causes so-called "Bullwhip Effect". In order to improve the supply chain efficiency, Point of Sale (POS) is often applied. However, a POS system merely offers final sales and inventory information, which is usually insufficient for managers to make proper decisions. Therefore, to further investigate the customers' behaviors from goods selling status data besides POS data is strongly needed. Recently, successful applications of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in supply chain have made enhanced POS system possible. Moreover, in a demand chain which is built based on "Pull" fashion, RFID technology can even play more important role. RFID not only record goods selling data in demand chain, but also perform to communicate between goods selling status and the information system in dual ways. Compare to the traditional Bar Code system, RFID has more capability to offer real-time information and more traceability to goods selling status. This research aims at proposing a RFID reading status display system, which utilizes the characteristics of reading and writing functions in RFID. The proposed system can gather the real-time goods selling information and trace every product status in the demand chain. In the study, a simulation model and its testing experiments were proposed for system proving and evaluation. Via the design of the simulation model, the information can be recorded when the customers pick up products on the shelf, meanwhile, the behaviors of consumers can also be recorded to reduce any possible goods selling loss. Via the introduction of RFID, this research offers a feasible solution to enhance the applications of any traditional POS. The enhanced POS system combining with RFID devices not only offers the goods selling status information, but also helps decision makers; moreover, due to the supervising of several RFID devices, the loss from stealing can be decreased. |