本研究分析台灣汽車竊盜險市場上的訊息不對稱問題,重點放在研究保險市場存在 的某些隱藏訊息。當保險市場存在某些訊息不對稱問題時,可能讓保險公司虧損、甚至 市場萎縮,透過收集並控制這些隱藏訊息,可望讓訊息不對稱的問題減弱,以解決保險 公司及保險市場在訊息不對稱問題下,所帶來的困境。 本研究先確認台灣的汽車竊盜險市場上,是否存在訊息不對稱的問題,接著,便是 尋找此市場的重要隱藏訊息。目前,在台灣的竊盜險,進行核保、訂價時,均只考慮投 保車輛的某些直接特性的因素,但實際上,還有一些可能確實影響汽車的失竊率的因 素,像是車輛的使用地區。在研究犯罪及犯罪防治問題的範疇上,就發現地點因素,確 實能顯著的解釋犯罪機率,因此,該領域有關於「犯罪熱點」的研究出現。我們先針對 汽車竊盜案件,劃定犯罪熱點,而投保車輛慣常停放地區與犯罪熱點的關係,可視為汽 車竊盜險市場上的一項隱藏訊息,本研究擬檢測這項隱藏訊息,能否顯著解釋汽車失竊 機率、及保險契約選擇機率,並進一步檢定控制這個隱藏訊息後,是否可以減緩訊息不 對稱問題的嚴重程度。 This research investigates the asymmetric information problems on Taiwan’s car theft insurance market. In the issue of asymmetric information, there could be loss for the insurance company, and the insurance market could be faded because of some hidden information existed. In Taiwan's car theft insurance market, the factors used for underwriting are put on the characteristics of the insured vehicles. But, there are many factors other than those characteristics of the insured vehicles could also affect the probability of car theft, such as the “crime hot spot” of the car theft. Hence, we firstly line out the crime hot spot of the car theft for Taiwan. And then we treat the relationship between the vehicle parking spot and the crime hot spot as the hidden information for the car theft insurance market. This research tries to investigate that whether this hidden information could significantly explain the probability of car theft and the probability of the behavior of purchasing car theft insurance. We further investigate that whether the asymmetric information problems of Taiwan’s car theft insurance market could be eliminated or mitigated by controlling this hidden information.