知識管理與組織績效之間的高度相關已被許多研究所證實,但是往往知識管理的執行並未真正帶來組織績效的實質增加!同時,知識管理常常被視為組織創新的重要投入,可是往往投入知識管理的經營活動,也未必可以讓企業創新能力提高! 因此,知識管理,組織創新與組織績效三者的關係在目前的經營環境之中,必須要再重新審慎思考。 過由文獻探討,本研究經由研究假設的推論,建立研究架構,透過實際調查國內資訊電子業與金融業樣本,共取得327份有效問卷,並使用結構方程模式分析。研究結果顯示,知識管理必須透過組織學習和組織創新的中介影響之後,才會對組織績效產生正向影響;同時組織學習也必須透過組織創新的影響,才會對組織績效產生正向影響。本研究發現,組織學習和組織創新在本研究中扮演雙中介的角色。 The relationship between knowledge management and organizational performance has been verified by many literatures in the past, and it declares knowledge management and organizational performance are high correlated. But the implementation of knowledge management will not bring the net increase of organizational performance directly although knowledge management is also taken by an important input of organizational innovation. But the executions of knowledge management will not bring the improvement of organizational innovation directly. Therefore, the relationships among knowledge management, organizational innovation, and organizational performance should examine carefully, again. With literature review, this study proposes a theoretical research framework, and tests by some hypotheses. By empirical survey, this study gets 327 valid responses and analysis with structural equation modeling. The results say that knowledge management will influence organizational performance by organizational learning and organizational innovation. Organizational learning mediated the relationship between knowledge management and organizational innovation. And the relationship between organizational learning and organizational performance is mediated by organizational innovation. Organizational learning and organizational innovation are mediators in this study. Some suggestions and implications are described at the end of this study.