本文利用數值方法來計算直昇機滯空時螺旋翼的性能(升力,阻力)及其尾流形狀,此一數值方法結合一組軸對稱,不可壓縮Navier-Stokes方程式的計算和一個升力面的計算方法。升力面方法是用來計算螺旋槳葉片上的環流強度分佈,此一環流分佈輸入到Navier-Stokes的計算程式,算出此一環流分佈下的尾流形狀,此一尾流形狀再輸入到升力面的程式,算出此一尾流形狀下的葉片環流分佈,重覆執行此一程序直到環流分佈與尾流形狀都收斂爲止。 A numerical method based on the axisymmetric, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is combined with a lifting surface method to predict the performance and vortex wake of hovering rotors. The lifting surface method is used to obtain the circulation distribution on the blade. This circulation distribution is served as input to the Navier-Stokes calculation to compute the shape of the vortex wake under this specified circulation distribution. The vortex wake is then input back to the lifting surface method to calculate the circulation distribution under this vortex wake. An iteration approach is utilized between these two methods to converge the circulation distribution and the shape of the vortex wake.
中國航空太空學會學刊=Transactions of the Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China 27(2),頁123-131