「口述影像服務」(Descriptive Video Service,簡稱DVS)是一種為視障者描述其無法收視之影像畫面,以協助其有效觀賞電影的語言工作。 本文主要欲探討口述影像此一將電影之「視覺符號」轉述成「言辭符號」的符號過程,究竟是「翻譯」還是「再現」,以發掘「口述影像」的符號行為本質,並釐清口述影像撰述者的「自我定位」。本文以為「口述影像」並非絕然是一種「再現」或「翻譯」的符號行為,而是具有一種光譜連續變化的本質,端視轉換之符號體系間「相似性」的大小而定。因此,本文提出一個從翻譯到再現的丈量標準,並認為光譜的界線也非恆常不變,而會隨著兩種符號背後文化的交融,擴大「翻譯」的版圖。 “Descriptive Video Service" aims to help the visually impaired watching a movie more effectively by describing the visual elements that the visually impaired are unable to receive. This paper explores the nature of the “symbol using behavior” of changing visual symbols of a film narration to verbal form of the video description. Moreover, this study attempts to discover the “symbol using process" of the video description a kind of behavior of translation or representation, and meanwhile, to clarify self- position of a writer of the audio description. Thus, this paper Suggests criteria for measuring visual symbols from translation to representation. Furthermore, it indicates that the nature of the spectrum is not absolute, nor unchangeable, but will gradually assimilate and move from representation toward translation following the cultures behind these two symbols and thus enlarge the territory of translation.