臺灣出版相關統計向來缺乏官方或民間具規模、信度與延續性之調查研究。調查研究應重一貫性與延續性,使各項調查統計數據皆能於同樣基礎與條件下,逐年作相互比較分析,以求客觀。透過臺灣多項閱讀習慣與消費行為之調查中,瞭解出版市場,以及如何充實國內閱讀與出版市場之調查統計內容;如何描繪一套符合國際標準之出版市場研究機制皆為本文關注重點。 Lack of comprehensive, reliable and persistent statistical survey made Taiwan publishing market puzzled. The article develops from several Taiwan book publishing statistics on both of the market place and reading behavior. A number of evidences showed that the content and the way of statistical survey are fundamentally able to reveal an insightful and authentic profile of modern publishing community.