公共出借權制度之實施可維護作家╱出版社權益以及圖書館傳統免費職能,而達成雙贏局面,此議題業已成為各國出版界與圖書館界共關心之文化政策。為提供國內評估與規劃實施公共出借權制度之參考,本研究於民國90年4-5月間針對國內出版社人員與圖書館人員進行公共出借權相關議題之認知與意見實際調查,本研究之調查結果顯示:大部分受試者並不瞭解公共出借權之意義與實施方式;國內圖書館之購書經費總值,佔出版市垤產值不明確或比例偏低,不足以吸引出版社爭取公共出借權權益;而儘管目前國內公共圖書館採用之自動化系統,已具備計算公共出借權之條件,國內出版界與圖書館界對於國內是否應該實施公共出借權、實施之方式與相關衍生問題,仍存在不同看法。 The implementation of the Public Lending Right (PLR) scheme has kept the privileges of author/publisher intact. Traditional function of free use in library has also been maintained by this scheme. PLR has become one of the cultural policies concerned by libraies and the publishing community in the world. In order to provide a policy making on the PLR scheme workable in Taiwan, an analytical survey of views on the PLR, targeted at staff in publishing houses and libraries, were conducted from April to May 2001. This study reveals that the PLR is not familiar to the majority of subjects. A worthwhile finding is that the expenditure of book purchasing in Taiwan libraries market remains underestimated by publishers. Accordingly, the PLR has not yet been an urgent issue for local publishers to act. Even though library automation system in pubic libraries is able to support the PLR scheme, the views as well as the way of the scheme implementation are still diverse between publishers and libraries.