政府對扮演出版者角色的主客觀感受與對整體人文科技環境之體認,不僅影響政府出版品的外在表現形式;更影響政府資訊的實質內容。知識與資訊可否為商品,在於人為之設計與加值,而非本質之屬性使然,政府資訊公開原則亦將是建立公共資訊系統的必要過程。本文主要探討單一政府資訊傳遞與政府資訊服務合理化之設計與應用,借英國實例印證電子化政府出版品/資訊之開發原則,除包括政府出版品和資訊應該開放給民眾查檢使用之政策思考外,並就電子化政府出版品的資訊加值要求、資訊資產登錄(Information Asset Registers; IARs)系統、及政府電子出版品等相關著作權問題略作分析與建議。 The role of the government as a publisher significantly affects the form and content of its publications. Whether knowledge and information are commodities or not, depending on value-added mechanism for reproduction. The government’s open up policy is essential in establishing public information system. This paper tries to analyze publication/information policy in the UK, its value-added principle of official publication, the Information Asset Registers (IARs), and copyright related regulations.