學術期刊之退稿率向來為學術界採具同儕評閱(peer review)要求下,所並隨產生與要求呈具的資料。它通常亦被用作證明期刊品質控制良窳之標準之一。然而,因定義與界定不清,使得退稿率之實質意義並不如預期,也有失公允。本文即為舉證退稿率要求之不當,並提出適當之改進建議,俾使學術期刊評價能更合乎公平客觀。 The rejection rate of scholarly journals has usually been used and accompanied with the evidence of peer review for the quality control However, the rate of rejected papers is neither significant nor meaningful as expected because of an ambiguous definition. This study found that the necessity of rejection rate for journal evaluation is not clearly proved. Suggestions are also given, along with several reasons.