摘要: | 「全面品質管理」係指一種滿足顧客需求及提昇產品品質為目標的管理成則,在高階領心者的支持及承諾之下,持續不斷的追求卓越品質。本研究旨在探討已實施品質圖證之大學校院高階主管對於全面品質管理的信念,以作為日後大學校院推行全面品質管理活動之參考依據。研究結果顯示,大學校院之高階主管對全面品質管理有相當高的認同度,特別是「主管承諾」構面,依次分別為「品質至上」、「全員參與」、「持續改進」及「顧客導向」等構面,相較上述五個構面,「教育訓練」及「資料本位」構面的認同度較低,認同度僅介於同意與稍微同意之間。此外,年齡差距,服務年資長短及學校性質等因素,均造成高階主管對全面品質管理信念產生顯著的差異。 The major fundamentals of TQM are “customer satisfaction,” “product quality,” “leadership,” and “continuous improvement.” The purpose of this study is to investigate the senior administration’s beliefs about TQM in universities, which have practiced quality assurance, in order to provide guidance for universities that will implement TQM in the future. The results indicate that the administrators in these universities have fairly good identification with TQM, in the five dimensions of “Leader Commitment” (6.25), “Quality-Focus” (6.10), “Total Involvement” (6.09), “Continuous Improvement” (6.08), and “Customer Direction” (6.01). However, the average scores are below 6 in both “Education Training” and “Data-Based.” Furthermore, the age, seniority, and properties of universities cause a significant difference among senior administrators. According to the age factor, the group over 56 had a significantly stronger belief than those between 46 and 55. For the factor of seniority, those who had more than 31 years working experience had a higher degree of acceptance than those between 11 and 20 years. As regards the factor of the university property, administrators in private universities favored the belief in “TQM” more than in the public ones. |