當飛機在運動時,飛行員如何能在飛行運動平台上感受到實際飛機的飛行運動,包括平移和轉動運動的模擬,本文主要是透過對人體的視覺和平衡器官的了解,以有限的平台運動來模擬實際飛機的六自由度的運動。文中包括對人體的平衡器官的描述以及其數學模式的探討,最後我們希望藉由對平衡器官的了解,來使平台運動更能模擬真實的飛機運動。同時藉由此一分析的模式建立起其他類型之運動感測模式(如滑雪、賽車),以作為各個運動模擬器設計的依據。 When the aircraft flies, how do the pilot feel real flying motion including translation and rotation in the motion-base. In this paper, we want to simulate six degree freedom of the craft by virtue of studying human vestibulae system. There are two parts in the paper including the description of the vestibular organ and their math model, besides we hope to make the motion-base more similar to the real motion of the craft on the basis of this paper. At the same time, they can be regarded as a procedure to design other kinds of motion-base such as skating and racing.
一九九九中華民國「航太學會/燃燒學會/民航學會」航太學術聯合會議論文集=Proceedings of the 1999 AASRC/ CIROC/ CSCA Aerospace Joint Conference,頁237-242