在實驗室一般的分組下,組織愈大,工作愈專業,任務便愈傾向於細分成愈多項目,如此使實驗室的分工變得相當複雜,故淡江大學風工程研究中心提出協同工作平台來協助改善作業流程。本平台不僅承襲了之前研究的概念,發展一系列知識管理工作系統,利用新的技術與產品增加了整個系統的速度與穩定度。在系統介面上深入探討與設計,使其操作更加友善,群組的知識分享更簡單。並將日程安排與會議召開功能整合入系統之中,達到研究人員協同工作、程式整合應用的目標。在管理面上,網路管理者能輕易的改變、新增、維護整個系統。面對未來,無論是實驗室的研究有所拓展,或是資訊技術有更新突破。系統都有足夠能力應變,讓管理者短時間改變平台的內容,以符合未來的需求。 technologies and products to increase its speed and stability. Through deep investigation and human-oriented design, the user interface was made very user-friendly, which makes knowledge sharing easier. Two new functions work scheduling and meeting arrangement, were added to help achieve the goals of collaboration and program integration. The system was developed with maintenance and management in mind, a web administrator should be easy to change, add and maintain the whole system. Even with new developments of research and breakthroughs of information technology, the system has enough capacity to handle the changes. The administrator should be able to change the contents of the platform and meets the future requirements.
九十四年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會論文集(I)=Proceedings of the conference on computer applications in civil & hydraulic engineering,頁96-101