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    題名: 臺北縣危險水域溺水事故防制對策之研究
    其他題名: Strategies for preventing drowning accidents in hazardous water area of Taipei county
    作者: 陳國忠;Chen, Gwo-jong
    貢獻者: 淡江大學公共行政學系公共政策碩士在職專班
    韓釗;Han, Charles Chao
    關鍵詞: 質性研究、危險水域、溺水事故、防制對策;Qualitative Research;Hazardous Water Area;Drowning Accidents;Prevention Strategy
    日期: 2007
    上傳時間: 2010-01-11 04:47:48 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 臺灣位處於亞熱帶地區,每當春、夏炎熱的季節,常在海邊及溪流看到滿山滿谷的戲水人潮,惟潛伏著誘人的危機,民眾經常忽略自身的安全,造成溺水事故頻傳。故本研究嘗試以全臺灣發生溺水事故最多的臺北縣,採用質性研究的文件、觀察及訪談等方法,從大豹溪、南勢溪、新店溪等危險水域設置救生站的救生員中,去瞭解發生溺水事故的危險因素;並藉由訪談政府相關部門等人員,探討現行溺水防制政策不足之處,同時參酌國外的防溺政策,藉以提出臺北縣防制溺水事故之政策建議。
    Taiwan is located in the subtropical area. During spring and summer, people often crowd in the seashores, creeks and rivers, where potential risks exist. In addition, those people often ignore their safety that usually leads to drowning accidents. This research tries to find the factors causing drowning in hazardous water area, such as Dabao creek, Nanshi creek, and Xidien creek, in Taipei County by interviewing those lifeguards in the lifesaving stations. This research also intends to propose the policy suggestions for preventing drowning accidents by interviewing the workers of the government''s related departments, identifying the weaknesses of current drowning prevention policies, and taking the drowning prevention policies of others countries as reference.
    According to the findings of this research, the causal factors of drowning in dangerous water areas are as follows. Firstly, personal behavior factors include: young people swimming to compete with each other, people entering water with jeans, not knowing the characteristics of the water areas, slipping into the deep water, being exhausted, having spasms, poor swimming skills, diving and bumping against stones or chocks to water carelessly, using swimming tools improperly, adults are negligent of supervising and looking after, not understanding the depths of water areas, and drunk or entering water after eating too much. Secondly, dangerous factors of water areas include: the swirl, the undercurrent and the riverbed drop, being washed away by water caused by afternoon thunderstorm causing the rivers to be rapid, the wet and slippery rocks, invisible moving stones, the large intervals/gaps, causing people to be washed away or stuck in the stone’s crack, the water temperature differences at different layers being huge, the icy-cold water that resulting in spasms. Third, environmental safety factors include: lack of safety devices, lack of warnings, lack of lifesaving stations, and lack of proper CPR.
    The research findings indicate that current accident prevention policies have the following weaknesses: lack of in-charge organizations with duties and responsibilities, lack of enforceable laws and rules, lack of unified caution/warning signs, insufficient prevention and guidance work, needing to pursue the water safety education in an all-round way, and needing to popularize swimming lifesaving skills; The recovery rate of drowning accidents still need to be improved and related public departments, such as construction, education, health, and fire Department, have to keep providing suggestions. The conclusions of the proposed strategy for drowning accident prevention are (1) strategy sharing: regarding the prevention and education of drowning accidents, to reduce the incidence rate by changing the environment, and to share the strategies and achievements of incidence prevention done by all units; (2) resource integration: all units need to help and support one another, and to find out the cooperation mechanisms; and (3) integration of achievements and information: integrating and analyzing the death rate and frequency of drown accidents as a reference for downing prevention strategies.
    顯示於類別:[公共行政學系暨研究所] 學位論文


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