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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw/dspace/handle/987654321/33306

    Title: 主管領導型態、組織鑲嵌、工作滿意度與工作績效之關聯性研究 : 以金融購併機構為例
    Other Titles: A study on the relationships among leadership style, organizational embeddedness, job satisfaction and job performance : based on the financial institutions which have M&A experience
    Authors: 張家榦;Chang, Chia-kan
    Contributors: 淡江大學管理科學研究所碩士班
    陳海鳴;Chen, Hai-ming
    Keywords: 購併;領導型態;組織鑲嵌;工作滿意度;工作績效;M&A;leadership;Organizational Embeddedness;Job Satisfaction;job performance
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-01-11 03:52:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 金融制度的優劣與經濟發展、社會安定有密不可分的關係,因此從近幾年來政府的措施與法令中可以看出對於金融業的大力改革,並且將成立金融控股公司視為國家經濟發展的重大指標之一。在改革過程中,公司大型化漸漸成為趨勢,因此國內各家銀行為了爭食目前市場的大餅,相信未來仍會有更大的購併案件,而在這種情勢中銀行會更想要穩住現有地位,並更進一步擴大市場佔有率。然而不同公司在購併後最需要解決的問題就是兩個不同組織間的衝擊與調適,首當其衝的就是員工與員工之間的磨合與連結問題。因此本研究欲瞭解在不同領導者的領導模式下,人與人之間的互動是否會產生不同的磨合狀況,對組織鑲嵌的程度是否有影響,以及是否會對於整體的工作滿意度與工作績效有所提升。
    The financial system has important relationship between economic development and social stability so that Taiwan government has focused on financial reformation recently and consider building financial holding corporation to be one of the major indicators in our country''s economic development policy. Many banks have become large-scale by merge and acquisition (M&A) during the process of financial reformation and it is a tendency to make a large-scale company. In consuquence, each bank absolutely is eager to keep their market share prosperous so that there will be more M&A cases in the future and the cost will be even higher than ever.
    After the merge and acquisition, the most important problem that the corporation need to solve is the impact between two different organizational structure and culture. Further, employees have to adapt themselves if they want to stay in the company. So it can not be denied that employees are most affected by M&A and they are the key roles to influence organizational performance. For this reason, we want to understand how the leadership of different models can influence the relationship between staff ,which is called organizational embeddedness. Furthermore, we want to know if thre will be potential impact on employees’ job satisfaction and job performance.
    The target of this research is the employees who work in the bank under a financial holding corporation that have the experience of merge and acquisition. Random sampling way is adopted in this research. We distributed 474 questionnaires by mail and internet. There are 402 valid samples that can be adopted in this reasearch. The percentage of valid samples to all survey questionnaires is 84.81%. We use statistical software called SPSS12.0 to analyze the data and we found out :
    (1) With different kinds of leadership in employee’ organizational embeddedness, there is a significant difference in job satisfaction, and job performance.
    (2) If the degree of employees’ organizational embeddedness have improved, the degree of staff’s job satisfaction will increase .
    (3) If the degree of employees’ organizational embeddedness have improved, the degree of staff’s job performance will increase .
    (4) If the degree of employees’ job satisfaction have improved, the degree of staff’s job performance will increase .
    (5) Organizational embeddedness will impact job performance through job satisfaction,which has an partial intermediary effect.
    (6) With monthly income differences in director’s leadership, there is a significant difference in employee’ organizational embeddedness, job satisfaction, and job performance .
    Appears in Collections:[管理科學學系暨研究所] 學位論文

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