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    題名: 知識管理運用於再保分進合約認受之研究 : 以SRT案為例
    其他題名: A study of knowledge management apply to inward reinsurance : SRT case as a given example
    作者: 許乃權;Sheu, Nicholas N.C.
    貢獻者: 淡江大學保險學系保險經營碩士在職專班
    廖述源;Liao, Shuh-yuan
    關鍵詞: 知識管理;保險;再保險;Knowledge management;Insurance;Reinsurance
    日期: 2006
    上傳時間: 2010-01-11 02:04:04 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 知識管理存在於人世間已達數百數千年之久,雖如此經久,但始終未獲企業執行長之青睞;一直到1990年代知識管理才真正地被正視和談論。知識管理在保險界亦普遍不受重視,甚且到2000年初期才有部份保險公司,開始在公司內部就既有組織轉化之並成立專門單位負責規劃與運作。
    因此,本文乃從文獻探討中,針對知識管理、保險、再保險、SRT案做系統性之介紹,同時引介知識管理與保險之相關理論基礎,從中簡介Mr. Mishra等之APES所隱含之四象度二十八面向課題,再就 SRT案之實例探討,鋪陳APES在分進再保險營運上所面對之議題。
    The concept of knowledge management has been around for hundreds, even thousands of years, but chief executive officers didn’t start discussing knowledge management until the 1990s. Knowledge management techniques are not widely used within the insurance industry. Not until the early 2000s were unique divisions within some corporations set up to coordinate relevant knowledge management issues.
    The objective of this paper is to attempt to find an application of knowledge management to inward reinsurance management. Therefore, the literature review concentrates on the field of knowledge management, insurance management, reinsurance management and the correlation between the case study of SRT and Mr. Mishra’s APES theoretical frameworks.
    Finally, the 10 points of conclusion driven together with the 8 issues of suggestion indicated the criteria of running inward reinsurance in Taiwan. In addition, some of the outstanding issues rendered by this paper could be further studied by the researcher or somebody else, whom interested therein in the future.
    顯示於類別:[風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文


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