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    題名: 咖啡連鎖店消費者對於商店環境、知覺價值與購買意願之比較研究 : 以臺灣與美國星巴克為例
    其他題名: The comparative study of store environment, perceived value and purchase intention : a case study of Starbucks consumer in Taiwan and the U.S.
    作者: 黃庭翊;Huang, Ting-yi
    貢獻者: 淡江大學國際貿易學系國際企業學碩士班
    黃志文;Huang, Chih-wen
    關鍵詞: 商店環境;知覺價值;購買意願;星巴克咖啡;Store Environment;perceived value;Purchase Intention;Starbucks Coffee Shop
    日期: 2009
    上傳時間: 2010-01-11 01:51:30 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 在2008年全球經濟不景氣的大環境下,美國與台灣的星巴克在面對速食業者及便利超商連鎖店等相對低價現煮咖啡與之競爭時,卻還能維繫市場領導者的地位,因此本研究試圖了解除了商品本身外,台灣與美國星巴克消費者對商店環境、知覺價值與購買意願三個變數的感受為何,以及變數間的影響關係是否有異同。透過SPSS12.0中文版操作,驗證迴歸模型、平均數差異分析後發現結果如下:
    1. 台灣星巴克消費者同時能知覺到服務品質與愉悅感兩種價值,其中受商店環境中社會因子影響最高,其次為氣氛因子與設計因子,並且皆能影響購買意願。
    2. 美國星巴克消費者則僅知覺到愉悅感此一價值,其中雖也受商店環境中三因子同時影響,但受氣氛因子與設計因子影響較高,社會因子次之,進而影響到購買意願。
    3. 兩國消費者對社會因子著重程度不同以及美國消費者對服務品質影響購買意願知覺的不顯著,是因為美國咖啡飲用文化,以及咖啡飲用人口較多造成消費者與銷售人員互動時間很短;而台灣消費者則因咖啡消費人口較少,並且將在咖啡廳飲用咖啡視為有品味的活動,是以較在乎社會因子以及服務品質的知覺。
    With the global recession in 2008 and the lower pricing competition from fast food business and convenient stores, the Starbucks in Taiwan and the United States are still remaining the leading status in café chain store business. To find out the reason why Starbucks is still number one in business without the factor of product itself, we try to understand the relation in customers’ opinion among store environment, perceived value, and purchase intention in Taiwan and the United States. We have the result by using SPSS 12.0 to test and verify the regression model and the Means comparison as followed:
    (1) The customers of Starbucks in Taiwan can perceive service quality and the feeling of happiness these two values at the same time, and both of these two perceived values have significant influence on the purchase intention. Among the three factors of store environment, the factor of social has higher influence on those two perceived values than the factor of design and the factor of ambient.
    (2) The customers of Starbucks in the United States only perceive the value of the feeling of happiness, and this value has significant influence on the purchase intention. However in the United States, among the three factors of store environment, the factor of social has lower influence on the value of the feeling of happiness than the factor of design and the factor of ambient.
    (3) The reason why the factor of social has different influential status on perceived value and why the customer of Starbucks in the United States does not perceive the value of service quality is because the coffee culture and the population of coffee drinking are different in Taiwan and the United States. In the U.S., there are too many people are waiting in line when they during the purchasing in the coffee shop, so they interact with the sales in a very short time. However, in Taiwan, people treat shopping in the coffee shop as an elegant activity which can shows their status. This kind of idea makes people in Taiwan care about the factor of social and the service quality a lot.
    顯示於類別:[國際企業學系暨研究所] 學位論文


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