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    题名: 中共運用《反分裂國家法》的戰略價值評估(2005~2008年)
    其它题名: The strategy's values of China's anti-secession law (2005-2008)
    作者: 虞劍英;Yu, Chen-ying
    贡献者: 淡江大學國際事務與戰略研究所碩士在職專班
    关键词: 民進黨;中國共產黨;反分裂國家法;廢統論;DPP;CPC;anti-secession law;Abolition of Unification
    日期: 2009
    上传时间: 2010-01-10 23:38:18 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 兩岸從1949年分治以來,雙方在兩岸關係的政策上有其改變調整,亦有其一貫的立場。1987年臺灣解除戒嚴並開放大陸探親,兩岸交流開始熱絡,亦為兩岸關係帶來新的一頁。然而在1996年臺海危機爆發後,兩岸關係急速降溫,兩岸皆對對方的「統一」意圖有所質疑。
    Regarding the strategy of cross-Strait relations, both Taiwan and Mainland China have made some changes but also kept some consistent positions since China was separated into two governments in 1949. The Taiwan government removed the martial law and allowed Taiwanese to visit their relatives living in China in 1987. From then on, both sides started to exchange information and ideas in many aspects with each other. Also the cross-Strait relations ushered in a new era. However, after the Taiwan Strait crisis broke out in 1996, the cross-Strait relations cooled down. The intention of the unification of China was called into question by both sides.
    After Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) which insisted on Taiwan Independence took power in the central government in 2000, the Communist Party of China (CPC) was forced to unavoidably face the new lead team in Taiwan. The DPP government constantly utilized the tense cross-Strait relations as a strategy to triumph in the various elections and unceasingly provoked CPC to make them lose the initiative in the cross-Strait issues.
    Hu Jintao became the successor of President of China and formally led the China government in 2003. Facing the DDP’s victory in the 2004 presidential election, CPC started thinking about how to avoid passively responding to the provocation of Taiwan Independence from the Taiwan authorities. Accordingly, CPC passed the Anti-Secession Law in 2005 as the bottom line of dealing with the Taiwan Independence issue.
    Although the approval of Anti-Secession Law made Taiwanese people feel a strong antipathy towards it, the international community didn’t make many statements publicly to support Taiwan.. However, the Taiwan government raised “Abolition of Unification” and “Referendum for Entering United Nations Bundled into Elections” respectively during 2005 and 2008, as a strategy of promoting the situation of election. But CPC used these two events to test the real effects of Anti-Secession Law.
    This thesis is focused on a series of events and their processes to analyze the strategic value of CPC’s Anti-Secession Law and evaluate the real effects that CPC obtained by using this law.
    显示于类别:[國際事務與戰略研究所] 學位論文


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