擁擠 (Congestion) 是國內外用來描述路況最通俗的代名詞,主要在於簡單易懂;目前以車速間距發佈擁擠等級的方式常會發生與用路人主觀之行車擁擠感知經驗不符的現象,本研究有鑑於此,嘗試以路段固定偵測器之即時交通參數、CCTV 資訊畫面,結合據變理論,探究群體用路人於號誌化幹道上之擁擠感知,同時並進行不同區位與路型之轉移分析;最後以台15 線與台北市為例,進行主觀擁擠指標之模式建構與評估 Congestion is the most common word to describe the traffic condition because of easy understanding and its simplicity. Currently, the traffic congestion index interpreted by different levels in terms of speed range is inconsistent with the congestion perception of driver's experience. It motivates this paper to integrate the real-time road detector data, CCTV image, and Catastrophe theory to explore the true subjective congestion perception for road drivers. To test the performance of proposed model, arterials in Taipei city and route 15 are selected. In the same time, a transferability model is developed to test the location factor followed by promising results in details.
中華民國運輸學會96年年會暨學術論文國際研討會:追求更永續的運輸:挑戰與機會論文集=Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation:Challenges and Opportunities Towards More Sustainable Transportation,21頁