本研究嘗試以棲息地之食物鏈率統為基礎,以能量流之極大:駒理論結合馬可夫鏈,建構小尺度生態廊道規劃對目標物種棲息地關連特性,考慮、保育物種之權重,最後以簡例進行廊道設置之初探、操作並示範評估過程。 Food-web has been regarded as the major concept, last for decades, to explain the ecosystem. The link of food chain is also recognized as energy transformation from
one state to another. Therefore, the equilibrium of energy transformation within the system can be formulated as maximum entropy based on the second law of
thermodynamics. Among the food chain, predators locate at the pinnacle of pyramid for related species and need larger habitat to survive especially for large animals.
Ecological corridor connecting fragment of habitats is an effective resolution to integration the fragile links for en-dangerous species among the food-webs and it thus
make ecosystem stable. As a consequence, the layout of design for ecological corridor in small scale can be analyzed in different aspects.
This paper employs food-web to describe the ecosystem, and applies the entropy maximization and Markov chain to construct the relationship for the allocation of
conservation corridor. Finally, an example is illustrated the evaluation process instead of heuristic judgments in experience.
中華民國運輸學會第二十屆學術論文研討會論文集 (第一冊)=Proceeding of the 20th annual conference for the Chinese institute of transportation v.1,頁209-232