有鑒於先進國家已將軌道運輸系統列為ITS發展重點,如何及早進行適於台灣地區本土特性之軌道運輸系統智慧化之規劃,遂為台灣地區ITS發展之未來課題之一。本文擬以台灣地區軌道運輸系統智慧化發展領域與使用者服務之供需分析為基礎,參考國內外相關發展經驗,研議可行之軟硬體技術平台架構,最後以輕軌運輸系統為例,說明此一技術平台架構之運作流程。 Due to Intelligent Transportation Systems deployments for railways inmany developed countries, it has become one of ITS master plans toimplement intelligent railway systems projects in Taiwan. This paperproposes a technical platform for Light Rail Transit, based on thefinal results of user services surveys for Intelligent Railway Systemsin Taiwan. Taking LRT as an example, it is concluded that LRT cansuccessfully communicate with other transportation systems by amultifunctional and integrated control center with ITS technologies.