本研究採用所謂的控制實驗方法,以構建使用者之決策(內在因素)與交通環境資訊(外在因素)互動之實驗模擬器(Laboratory simulator)。本模擬器之系統因應駕駛人路徑選擇決策與整體路網資訊變動與動態路徑導引資訊之互動,故擬定由資料庫模組、計算模組、顯示模組、操作界面模組、及記錄模組等組合之架構,經由個人電腦結合電子地圖與地理資訊系統之設定規劃,配合模擬架構,以連續動態方式模擬常見之行車導引系統之行車模擬實驗構建,以觀察受測駕駛人樣本在模擬的行車資訊系統下之互動反應,以利統計分析及逐點動態行為模式之構建。 This paper presents in details about a proposed laboratory simulator in prototype for the purpose of studying the drivers' dynamic en-route route choice/switch behavior under the provision of the in- vehicle Advanced Driver Information System (ADIS) which mostly appears as Dynamic Route Guidance System (DRGS). The simulator has been integrated with five modulus components: a display module, a record module, a data base module, a computation module and a user operation interface module.
八十八年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會論文集(一)=Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Applications in Civil & Hydraulic Engineering,頁1087-1095