當舉世皆紛紛走向自由開放之際,國營事業民營化自然也成了全球的趨勢。而針對國營事業的管理與績效問題,民營化當是主要解決辦法。易言之,將自營企業多年累積的問題,在民營化後交由民間的企業家去解決,而由民間企業家或經理人在限制較少的情況下,去提昇員工的效率,增進經營的彈性。 Since several problems arise from national enterprises in Mainland China and Taiwan, the national enterprises might be necessary to do revolution in order to adapt new environment. There are issues mentioned in this paper. First oJ all, we would make a comparison for business types of both national enterprises. Secondly, the business management of both national enterprises will be discussed. Thirdly, how government policies affect both national enterprises? Fourthly, international factors are still key concerns for national enterprises.