This paper considers the number of defective units in an arrival order to be a binomial random variable, and derives a modified mixture inventory model with backorders and lost sales, in which the demand during lead time follows a normal distribution, and both lead time and the order quantity are the decision variables. The purpose of this article is to develop an algorithm procedure to obtain the optimal solution, and then discuss the effects of parameters. 本研究的主要目的是考慮在可控制的前置時間下,缺貨數量允許部分欠撥與部分不補(銷售損失)的混合存貨模型,其中前置時間內需求量假設服從常態風並且前置時間與訂購量均為決策變數。另外。我們亦考慮在到達的訂購量中含有某些數量的瑕疵品,並且假設該瑕疵品的個數唯一二項隨機變數。本研究針對此兩項特性(可控制的前置時間及訂購量中含有瑕疵品)建立存貨數學模型並求其最適解,糗探討參數的敏感度分析。
Journal of statistics and management systems 2(2-3), pp.143-157