本研究目的一就是使用項目反應理論(Item Response Theory),發展一個用於技能檢定(Certifying Technological and Vocational Skill)的電腦化適性測驗(Computerized Adaptive Testing)系統,第二個目的則是檢驗此系統在技能檢定上應用的可行性。結果顯示電腦化適性測驗系統在學習前後都可作為能力檢定的使用,適合應用於教室測驗的環境下,也發現電腦化適性測驗與傳統紙-筆測驗成就顯著相關,證明電腦化適性測驗系統使用於技能檢定具有發展的可行性。 The first objective of this research is to utilize item response theory to develop a computer adaptive testing (CAT) system for certifying technological and vocational skill. The second objective is to investigate the feasibility of the computerized adaptive testing applied in certifying technological and vocational skill. The results indicate that the computerized adaptive testing system can be effectively used in prelearning and post-learning achievement tests. The CAT is positively correlated with the pen-and-pencil test.
第十五屆全國技術及職業教育研討會論文集《商業類》 Ⅱ=Proceedings of the 15th Technological and Vocational Education Conference of R.O.C.,頁 91-102