摘要: | 研究方法論的探討對於資管領域的研究者相當重要, 因為這個學域還是處於它的萌芽期。因此, 本研究將探討過去學者所提出的各種研究方法架構, 作對應的相關比較, 以瞭解其間的差異與相對應關係, 並擇一較佳之研究方法架構, 以供本研究分析近年來國內有關資管領域的研究發表, 藉以瞭解國內各研究方法的的應用狀況與成熟度。同時也想利用各研究主題討論國內資訊管理領域的趨勢, 另外, 本研究也想藉著國內外相關文章的比較, 以瞭解國內外有關研究主題與研究方法的差異情形。而透過本研究可以提供未來研究參考, 同時也可以藉此瞭解學術界與產業界對有關資管領域主題重視的異同情形。結果顯示, 在有關研究主題方面, 國內論文還是比較注重技術面的主題, 但有關管理方面的主題則有遞增的趨勢, 而ICIS的論文則比較偏重在管理方面的研究主題, 在研究方法方面, 就整體而言, 國內論文太偏重在非實證的研究方法, 可以看出國內對於實證研究方法的不成熟度, 尤其實地研究方面國內更是鮮有接觸, 最後, 不管是從研究主題的探討, 或者由研究方法的分析, 國內資管界已經由過去的偏重資訊工程逐漸走向資訊管理的領域。換言之, 國內資管學界領域的研究已經做到能夠配合產業界的需求。 The study of research methods is highly important for those who conducting research in information systems (IS) due to this field is still in its infancy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the maturity of information systems research in Taiwan. IS research methods and topics are both considered to be surrogates of IS maturity. This research begins with a review of the similarities and differences of previous research topics and frameworks. An IS classification scheme and a research framework are selected for the evaluation of IS research in Taiwan. The evaluation also involves some comparisons of IS research in Taiwan and those in the United States. The results of this study shows that IS research in Taiwan have a tendency to emphasize on technical topics, but there is an increasing trend to examine management issues IS research articles published in the International Conferences on Information Systems (ICIS) comparatively focuses more on management topics. Regarding to research methods used, most IS research in Taiwan employs non- empirical research methods. thus reveals the immaturity of IS research and scarcity of field studies. Nevertheless, IS research in Taiwan has gradually shifted from information engineering to information management to meet the requirements of the industry. |