本研究的目的在於提出多媒體智慧型主管資訊系統(Multimedia Intelligent Executive Information Systems,MIEIS)的發展準則。文中首先回顧了專家系統(Expert Systems,ES)與主管資訊系統(Executive Information Systems, EIS)的發展方法,描述了一個新的MIEIS的開發方式。依循上述所提的開發方式,研究者實作出一個財務上的MIEIS。而在最後,系統開發之經驗、遭遇到的困難亦將在文末中做一描述。 The purpose of this study is to develop guidelines for the implementation of a Multimedia Intelligent Executive Information Systems (MIEIS). The development methodologies for Expert Systems and Executive Information Systems are surveyed. A new MIEIS development approach has been outlined. Following the new development approach, a real-world MIEIS on financial application were development. Finally, the experience and problems encountered in the development process are also discussed.
第七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集 (一)=Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Management (I),頁 41-49