因地下掩體隱密性之要求日益提高,軍事 工程場址愈往山區遷移發展之結果,將面臨開 挖力學性質更複雜的節理岩盤,因此精確了解 及評估岩盤之力學行為益形重要。然而因節理 面上粗糙度之存在,使得節理面受剪力作用產 生滑動時之力學行為極複雜,依正向應力高低 程度不同,一般可能包括膨脹、摩擦、鋸齒剪 斷等行為。本文由模擬節理面剪力試驗結果之 分析得知:(1)正向應力與岩石材料強度比值小 於 1/12時,節理面只發生膨脹摩擦阻抗效應;( 2)比 值大於1/3時,節理面上鋸齒完全被剪斷破裂;(3) 比值介於兩者間時,節理發生部分爬坡摩擦運 動伴隨部分剪斷鋸齒,節理面粗糙度因而隨剪 動程度逐漸減小,直至某一較大剪位移時達到 一穩定的殘餘強度值,故文中亦將對節理面殘 餘強度作一深入探討。 The failure mechanism of rock joints includes the effects of joint friction resistance, dilatancy due to joint roughness, and shear-off of rock asperity strongly depending on the level of normal stress. Based on the study of the relationship between the geometry of joint roughness and the stresses responded during shearing, three types of failure mechanism are drawn: (1) friction and dilation occurred when the normal stress is less than 1/12 of JCS; (2) shear-off through the rock asperity when the normal stress is greater than 1/3 of JCS; (3) combination of the joint friction, partial dilation and shear-off effect when the normal stress is between the above two stress levels. The parameters of true residual shear strength are also discussed in this paper.