Abstract: | 理論上,教育可被視為一種投資。文獻在討論教育金錢報酬已累積豐盛的成果,但著墨在高等教育非金錢報酬仍然有限。目前國內文獻尚未有系統性檢視高等教育的非金錢報酬。本文使用「臺灣青少年成長歷程研究」資料,檢視學歷與非金錢收入工作特性、健康與福祉及成癮行為的關係。學歷分為專科以下、大學和碩博士。非金錢收入工作特性包括目前是否有工作、職業聲望、職業社經地位、工作福利、工作與所學的相關程度、工作滿意度;健康與福祉涵蓋健康、快樂、生活滿意度;成癮行為包括抽菸、喝酒。針對二元和連續型被解釋變數、多元類別被解釋變數,實證模型分別採用一般迴歸模型、多元邏輯迴歸模型。結果顯示,學歷為大學以上者目前有工作的比例高於專科以下者。相較專科以下,大學和碩博士者較可能從事職業聲望、職業社經地位和福利較佳的工作,其工作與所學的專長領域較為密切。其次,大學和碩博士者在健康評價較高,成癮行為的比例較低。雖然單獨來看,每一項實證結果無法直接證明高等教育非金錢報酬的存在,但結合所有實證結果來看,高等教育應有提供勞動市場內外非金錢收入的好處。這些結果有助於我們理解,即使高等教育的金錢報酬呈下降趨勢,人們對高等教育需求仍舊強烈。
In economics theory, education is viewed as a financial investment. The financial returns on education are well documented, but attention to the non-pecuniary returns of higher education is still very limited in the literature. Moreover, this issue has not been systematically studied based on a Taiwanese sample. This paper uses the Taiwan Youth Project to examine the relationships between highest degree and non-pecuniary-related job characteristics, health, well-being, and addictive behaviors. Diplomas are classified into below college, bachelor's, master's and Ph.D. The non-pecuniary job characteristics considered in the paper are current job status, occupational prestige scores, occupational socioeconomic status scores, work benefits, to what degree one's job is related to one's major, and job satisfaction. The measures of well-being include being happy about one's life and satisfaction with life. The addictive behaviors are smoking and drinking. The paper uses an ordinary least squares regression model when the dependent variable is binary, but a multinomial logit model when the dependent variable has multiple categories. Results indicate that compared with those without a college degree, individuals with a college degree or above have a higher likelihood of having a job. They are likely to work in a job with a better occupational prestige score and occupational socioeconomic status score, and have more work benefits and a job more closely related to their field of expertise. In addition, their subjective health evaluation is better, and they are less likely to have addictive behaviors relative to those without a college diploma. Taken individually, each piece of the empirical results is not sufficient to prove the existence of non-pecuniary returns of higher education, but combined, all the results suggest that higher education brings non-pecuniary benefits both inside and outside of the labor market. These results help us understand one of the possible reasons behind the phenomenon that even though the pecuniary returns of higher education are declining, people's demand for higher education is still strong. |