應用網路遠距教學於教學上,可增加師生互動以及學習者間的互動機會,讓教學活動變得更為豐富。因此在網路的環境中,學生被要求不僅做一個被服侍者,他們更應是積極的參與者,必須是主動建立學習系統的團隊成員。但須注意的是,不適當的應用網路教學反而會使學習更混亂。而網路教學的環境中,「介面」是使用者在操作電腦設備時一定要接觸部分,同時也是學習效果能否有效達成之重要因素,所以介面設計的好壞可相對於學習的效率及效果。由於圖像較不受文字、語言的限制,較能簡潔的呈現空間訊息,且較為自然、容易了解。因此本研究期望能發展網路教學方法的圖形化使用者介面,以增進教師、學習者以及教學內容三者間的互動。本研究選擇將「專家討論」、「小組討論」及「角色扮演」三種互動性較高的教學方法,經過分析、設計、發展與評鑑四個階段,完成網路教學互動討論方法之介面設計與發展的研究。Distance education is predicted to be a major growth area for education in the future. With this growth come challenges in instructional design in terms of new skill acquisition for instructors. The focus of this study is to design interactive visual interface for instructors and students to interact successfully in a web-based instructional environment. Interface of common used instructional methods such as panel discussion, group discussion and roll play were developed for web-based system. By using usability testing methods, interview and observation were performed. Three groups of undergraduate students were interviewed to examine what interface design elements were used and how they were implemented in relation to current web-based environment. Designing guidelines for on-line panel discussion interface were further examined after the evaluation.