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    题名: 美國亞太再平衡戰略對中共南海政策之影響
    其它题名: The impact of America 's Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy on the CPC' s South China Sea policy
    作者: 陳明輝;Chen, Ming-Hui
    贡献者: 淡江大學中國大陸研究所碩士在職專班
    趙春山;Chao, Chun-Shan
    关键词: 亞太再平衡;攻勢現實主義;中共南海政策;新型大國關係;Asia-Pacific Rebalancing;offensive realism;CCP South Sea policy;new type of great power realtion
    日期: 2017
    上传时间: 2018-08-03 14:33:16 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 美國亞太再平衡戰略,從重返亞洲、轉向亞洲及推動亞太再平衡戰略,分別從軍事、外交及經濟等作為三位一體並進,在外交上透過加強盟友及建立新關係,經濟上推動跨太平洋經濟夥伴協議,軍事上進行軍事及協防等作為,並且透過參加東協區域論壇的方式介入南海爭端,從攻勢現實主義而言,美國推動亞太再平衡戰略無非是為圍和潛在霸權的興起,避免中共動搖美國在亞太地區的霸權地位。
    US Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy goes forward from the aspect of returning to Asia, going toward Asia and promoting the Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy as a trinity from the military, diplomatic and economic domain respectively, where we enhance alliance and build new relationship diplomatically, promote Trans-Pacific Economic Partnership Agreement economically and take military action and defense and so on; we also intervene and participate in the South China Sea disputes through the articipation in the ASEAN regional Forum; from the viewpoint of offensive realism, the main purpose of the United States, her promotion of the Asia-Pacific Rebalancing Strategy is nothing more than the rise of confining potential hegemony, avoiding CCP disengagement of the US hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region.
    After the US intervention in the South China Sea disputes, the South China Sea policy turned to “some action” from the original CPC’s adherence to Deng Xiaoping''s "low profile" policy gradually. Upon taking office, Xi Jinping, on the one hand, proposed a new constructed Top-state relationship with the United States to ease the offensive US Asia-Pacific Rebalancing Strategy, on the other hand, he enhanced bilateral diplomatic and economic relationship with the ASEAN countries progressively, in an attempt to weaken the tension of the US involvement in the South China Sea dispute. The China Sea policy became taking some action from "low profile" gradually. As far as CCP are concerned, the strategic position of the South China Sea is extremely important for the United States; it is a critical field of declaring the right of free navigation. In the case of two different claims, the United States and the CPC are in a gaming contest, indicating that the South China Sea dispute is a field for the content between both countries.
    In this paper, I discussed the effect of the US Asia-Pacific Rebalancing Strategy on the South China Sea regional security, and how far the South China Sea policy of CCP would go that the intensity of the intensity of US involvement in the South China Sea dispute is reduced by which means. In the offensive realism, I discussed how does the United States contain CCP by the Asia-Pacific Rebalancing Strategy, while how does the CCP contain and balance the interaction with the United States, the means they apply individually and how. Would there be any effect behind the result of interaction between them on how does CCP South China Sea policy go and develop.
    显示于类别:[中國大陸研究所] 學位論文


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