隨著時代的演進,女性地位雖不如從前低下,但整個大環境下,女性還是活在父系霸權的世界中,厭女現象無所不在,其中,日本為厭女症狀最嚴重的國家,在日本電影中也時常可見女性受人厭惡的形象。本研究以女性主義的角度探討日本女性在電影中的形象,觀察女性醜化的形象背後反映出何種社會現象。 本研究採用文本分析,選擇四部與厭女現象相關的電影為主,分別為《令人討厭的松子的一生》、《維榮之妻─櫻桃與蒲公英》、《告白》、《贖罪》,針對女性作為「完美情人」及「復仇者」兩種形象,探討在性別不平等的社會中,女性令人厭惡的形象是如何被塑造,面對社會及家庭的種種挑戰,被討厭的女性如何展現自我主體性。 藉由電影分析,研究發現厭女形象是一種無法抹滅的現象,即使女性主義積極發展,仍無法擺脫父權意識形態的框架,女性的一舉一動依舊受到男人的監視與掌控;另外,女性主義也帶來了反挫力,為了遏止女性主義的發展,男性加倍的控制女性,矮化女性在社會中的地位,並且醜化女性形象, 經由妖魔化女性,來凸顯男性的英雄形象,加深了女性受人厭惡的事實。總而言之,厭女是一種無所不在的現象,女性只能活在看似開明但實質禁錮的牢籠中,小心翼翼的生存,面對於男性的監視只能無奈的接受,期望自己不要成為被討厭的女人。 Despite the fact that women have gained more equality over the past few decades, the hegemony of patriarchy still exists in the modern society. Misogyny can be clearly seen in today’s culture, especially in Japan. Misogynistic scenes occur in Japanese movies from time to time. This research aims to investigate the images of Japanese women in films and the social consequences of discrimination against women from a feminist perspective. Base on textual analysis, this research focuses on two types of female characters as a perfect lover and a revenger in four misogyny-related movies, including “Memories of Matsuko”, “Villon''s Wife”, “Confessions” and “Shokuzai”, to investigate how misogyny has been shaped in a sexist society, against which women fight to gain more female autonomy. Analyzing these four movies, research shows that misogyny has long been ingrained in the society deeply enough that even though feminist ideology has developed over the years, patriarchal social structures are so unshakable that women are still under the watch and the control of men. In addition, feminism has caused a backlash against women. Men gained more control of women and lowered women’s social status in order to highlight their own masculinity by degrading women. In conclusion, misogyny has become a common phenomenon in every society. Women can’t help but living in this seemingly equal cell, behind these transparent discriminating bars, quietly accepting the rules against themselves and in the meantime hoping to be accepted.