整合行銷傳播是2007年來最廣為使用的行銷推廣手法,相關的策略中以單一訊息的策略受到最多的矚目,訊息傳達從過去使用電視、報紙及平面廣告的方式,隨著電子產品及行動通訊技術的發展而轉移到了網路,消費者也開始習慣使用智慧型手機或電腦接受訊息。這種現象更常見於習慣使用網路之1980年後出生的世代,因此,對於行銷人員而言,以1980年後出生的世代為對象,找出最具競爭優勢且使用效益最佳的網路行銷廣告策略成為重要的課題。 本論文先由兩岸專家以修正德菲法選出六項網路行銷最佳方案,再將這六項方案以TOPSIS排出其各別在九種不同行業中的使用效益與重要性決策順序,以因素分析進行台灣與大陸1980代後出生的消費者,在網路購物行為上的分析,研究結果與結論可提供給企業決定網路行銷廣告策略建議。 IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications, IMC) is widely used in the marketing promotion works since 2007, and the One Voice strategy is the spotlight in the related strategies. Customers used to get messages from television, newspapers and print advertisement; however, with the development of digital products and mobile communication technology, customers have started using smart phones or computers to receive messages. This phenomenon is commonly seen in Post-80’s generation who get used to using the internet. Therefore, for marketing workers, finding out the most competitive and effective online marketing advertising strategy becomes the most important issue. In the study Modified Delphi Method were used to find the six online marketing alternatives which were conducted by experts from Taiwan and China, and then ranking the importance in nine different industries by TOPSIS. In order to understand purchasing behavior on the net toward Post-80’, structured questionnaires were used as survey tools in Taiwan and China and factor analysis were used to analysize data. The study provides practical internet marketing promotion mix and may help marketers in Business conduct their marketing strategies of advertisement on the net.