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    題名: 捷運對雙北市連鎖店區位選擇之影響
    其他題名: The relationship between mass rapid transit and location choice of chain stores : evidence from Taipei and New Taipei City
    作者: 翁嘉駿;Wong, Chia-Chun
    貢獻者: 淡江大學經濟學系碩士班
    關鍵詞: 連鎖店;捷運;區位選擇;距離;經緯度;房價;都市發展;Chain Stores;mass rapid transit;store location;distance;latitude;longitude;House Price;Urban development
    日期: 2016
    上傳時間: 2017-08-24 23:37:55 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本文研究主要探討影響連鎖業區位選擇的因素,以往研究多數只針對單一連鎖產業或是房價與捷運站之關係,並未考量不同產業間的影響。因此,本文以2015年台北市和新北市30個連鎖業的12,637家商店為研究對象,使用環境地理資訊系統,將店家住址轉為經緯度,之後得出捷運站500公尺內的連鎖店家數與設施數。研究結果發現: (1)越靠近市中心(台北火車站),連鎖店離捷運站的距離越近;(2)捷運站500公尺內國中與大學的設立,會使連鎖店遠離捷運站;(3)捷運站500公尺內量販店、服飾業、速食業與餐飲業家數增加,會使連鎖店靠近捷運站設點;超商家數的增加則是會使連鎖店遠離捷運站;(4)住宅成交價上升,會使連鎖店設點離捷運站較遠,但此效果會隨捷運站進出人數的增加而減少;而捷運進出人數的增加,無論是否考量住宅成交價的效果,都會讓連鎖店設點位置可離捷運站比較遠;(5)捷運站汽機車停車位的增加,會減少連鎖店離捷運站的距離;(6)高架與平面捷運,比起地下捷運,會使連鎖店更靠近捷運站設點。另外,比起單線捷運,雙線捷運能讓連鎖店設點離捷運站比較遠;(7)最後,有捷運經過的行政區,連鎖店會選擇靠近捷運站設點;相對的,偏郊外的行政區,則是選擇遠離捷運站。
    This study explores the determinants of the distance between a chain store and the nearest mass rapid transit (MRT) station, with special attention on the characteristics of the MRT station. Using latitude and longitude data for 12,637 retail and restaurant stores and bank branches from 30 industries in Taipei and New Taipei City, we find that (1) the closer the store to the city center, or the more parking spaces, hypermarkets, fashion stores, fast food stores, and restaurants within 500m of MRT station, the closer the store to a MRT station; (2) the more high schools and universities within 500m of MRT station, or the higher the residential property price within 800m of the MRT station, the farther the store to a MRT station; (3) stores tend to locate farther from the MRT station if the nearest MRT station is an interchange station; (4) stores tend to locate closer to the MRT station if the nearest MRT station is a overhead or surface station as opposed to an underground station; (5) stores in a district without any MRT station tends to locate farther from a MRT station.
    顯示於類別:[經濟學系暨研究所] 學位論文


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